Safety & Emergency Management
The McDade Safety & Emergency Management team is responsible for mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery programs within the District. McDade ISD has emergency preparedness and operations plans, and continually conducts drills and training with its staff and students. We partner with our local and regional first responders and emergency management personnel to ensure we are prepared to provide exceptional service before, during, and after any emergency conditions. Emergency Operations Plans are reviewed annually and updated as necessary. Fire evacuation drills, tornado / severe weather drills, lock-out, and lock-down drills are conducted in accordance with TEC guidelines and Fire Department regulations.
McDade ISD has adopted the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), a nationally-recognized emergency response methodology that is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn.
The Standard Response Protocol was developed by the “I Love U Guys Foundation”, a Colorado based non-profit which was started after the founders lost the daughter in a 2006 school shooting. The SRP is based on the response to any given situation not on individual scenarios. It rationally organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to personal safety. By standardizing the vocabulary, all stakeholders can understand the response and status of the event.
Parents are urged to stay home and await instructions from the district anytime SRP-based protective measures are being utilized to ensure the safety and security of students and staff.
During a Secure or Lockdown, traffic routes around the school must remain clear to allow for arriving first responders. Both of these SRP-based actions will result in an increase in police presence as the circumstances are investigated. In addition, no-one is allowed in or out of a Plano ISD facility during a Secure or Lockdown. Parents congregating near the front entrance of a Plano ISD facility during a Secure or Lockdown may create additional perceived risks for responding police agencies while the credibility of a threat or hazard is being evaluated.
Evacuate, Shelter and Hold actions are typically resolved in a very short amount of time once a hazard has passed or has been determined to be a non-issue.

Standard Response Protocols & Campus Emergency Drills
We train our staff and students in the Standard Response Protocols (SRP); Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter, and Hold. These five simple procedures give our staff and students the tools they need to properly initiate emergency response actions for any emergency that may occur on a campus. These SRP’s are practiced regularly each school year at all campuses in the form of drills. State law actually dictates that number of times each semester each drill has to be practiced. In addition to the SRP Drills, we also have Fire Drills, Severe Weather Drills, Evacuation Drills. All drills are reported by each of the campus administrators to the McDade Office of Safety and Emergency Management within forty-eight hours of the drill.
Each of our SRP’s are listed below along with a brief description of the protocol. You can click on the icon of each SRP for more detailed information on each protocol.